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香港城市大学Tsang Kim Fung副教授为我院师生做学术报告

来源: 作者:文/图 郭涵发布时间:2018-11-30阅读:


计算机学院宣 20171127日下午14:45-15:30,应计算机科学与技术学院张海军副教授邀请,香港城市大学电子工程系Tsang Kim Fung副教授在T4-506为我院师生做了题为IoT Evolution , Standards and Threats的学术报告。

2017年底,香港特区政府公布《香港智慧城市蓝图》,就智慧出行、智慧生活、智慧环境、智慧市民、智慧政府及智慧经济这六个主要范畴,提出发展建议。物联网(IOT)是智慧城市项目蓬勃发展的基本要素之一。物联网将推动创新,促进学术领域各个学科和实体之间的合作,但仍有潜在的挑战亟待解决。本次报告讨论了可能导致物联网演进, 物联网标准和技术发展成功的重要因素。最后,Tsang博士重点介绍了智能测量、运输、医疗保健、通信等应用中所面临的机遇和挑战。



Ir Dr Tsang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. He has published more than 200 technical papers and four books/book chapter. KF’s research area is in RF circuit and system design, wireless protocol design, AI algorithms, IoT system and applications. He has been active in industry applications and contributed significantly his effort to the design and development of mobile phone design and infrastructure, IoT home/office/building automation and energy management system, location tracking, healthcare, smart transportation, cyber security, .... etc. In 2016, KF has been awarded many prizes and in particular, he was awarded the IoT Heros Award by GS1 IoT Council (nominated by Cisco). KF is now devoting his effort to LPWAN IoT development including LoRa, SigFox and NB IoT.




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